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The running joke amongst the designer community is clients asking for Comic Sans in their work. Cringes and bleeding eyes aside, we kind of get why people lean towards it – it’s a bit different from the usual, stiff system-safe fonts like Arial and Tahoma. Some even go as far as to say it’s got a “human touch” due to its handwritten aesthetic. Now we’re not for discrimination, but this kind of human you do not want to be.

Here are a handful of alternatives if you’re looking for that amiable vibe in your layouts (note: these are display-font ideas (for headings) mainly. For body-copy fonts and long paragraphs of text, check out this blog post instead):

1// Aqum 
If you’re looking for an all-caps typeface that’s got its edges sanded off.

2// Holiday
For that “scribbled with a marker” look. 

3// Greyfox
The dry-brush look for that 90s grunge. 

4// Malin Kundang
If the Simpsons’ font and Malin had a baby. 

5// Fofer
If you want something scripty but playful. 

PS: Remember to check out the Terms Of Use on any font you download and install. Most are free for personal use – however, if you’re using it for your business, there’s typically a small fee for commercial use. Support creatives – we got bills to pay too 🙂